Tuesday, 10 April 2012


She looks at him with longing lust,  widening her eyes in a pledge for reassurance. 

Puffs nervously on her cigarette and tugs his hand for security. 

Pressing her fingers into his face and tilting it towards hers. 

Insecurity etched in every sidewards move he makes, to interact with the girl to the side of his place.

His mood is jocular and crazed, still burning from the night already passed.

His eyes slowly turn to cinders and her heavy head is caught in his clutches.

A passing man drags his cumbersome frame alongside the table. 

Clutching a white rag his white bulbs veined with crimson.

They fail to acknowledge each other yet passes a fag from his crumpled pocket. 

White threads weave through his locked curls as he mutters his whispers aloud.

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